Support for the Arts

New Mexico’s soul is its art. The state consistently ranks top in the nation for its vast number of artists, filmmakers, authors, and architects. We partner with organizations that realize the cultural and economic impact of the arts statewide, and understand the importance of arts in education.

Wise Fool New Mexico

Wise Fool New Mexico’s mission is to ignite imagination, build community, and promote social justice through performances and hands-on experiences in the arts of circus, puppetry, and theatre. Wise Fool serves 2,000 youth and adults with hands-on activities and 14,000 audience members. As a pioneer in the emerging North American Social Circus movement and the only contemporary circus arts company in New Mexico, Wise Fool is further evolving circus as an art form by developing quality productions, professional artists, and expert teachers for circus-based arts curriculums. Learn more at

Additional support for the Arts stories

To view more Community Rewards impact stories, visit our Vimeo Channel.

New Mexico Tech Performing Arts Series

National Institute of Flamenco

Popejoy Schooltime Series

Keshet Center for the Arts

Community Rewards impact categories

Community Rewards support a wide range of causes and organizations in New Mexico. Click on an image below to see how Community Rewards are helping recipients impact their communities: