Jul 3, 2024
With the new school year fast approaching, many parents are wondering how to cut costs on school supplies. Last year, the average American family spent $890 on supplies, up nearly $25 from the previous year. But you don’t have to spend a fortune to prepare your kids for a successful year in the classroom. Read on for tips!
Read More about 6 ways to reduce back-to-school supplies costs
Jun 6, 2024
Read on for practical tips on how to curb your spending without sacrificing your fun.
Read More about Save money this summer, no sweat!
May 7, 2024
Imposter crimes are on the rise, as digital tools make it easier than ever to target consumers. These crimes include something called "tech support scams". Ironically, scam artists will prey on your worries about cyber security and will pose as the good guys looking to "fix" your security breaches.
Read More about What you need to know about tech support scams
Apr 4, 2024
April is Financial Literacy Month, and it is a perfect time to take positive steps to improve our financial wellness. Financial literacy—which includes debt management, budgeting, and investing—is vital to making sound money decisions and can greatly affect our everyday lives.
Read More about Start Fresh This Financial Literacy Month
Mar 1, 2024
With tax season nearly upon us, many people are wondering how to make the process simpler, easier, and more rewarding. Using these three tax planning strategies could lower your future tax liability and make you feel more in control of your money.
Read More about Spring into the 2024 Tax Season
Feb 5, 2024
One of the most common scams today is the ‘grandparent scam,’ where a criminal will simulate the voice of your grandchild and make up an emergency to request money. Keeping certain tips in mind will help you identify potential attacks and avoid financial loss and identity theft.
Read More about Identifying ‘Vishing Scams’
Jan 3, 2024
Even if you're financially responsible, life's unpredictable nature can sometimes catch you off guard, at times making it dangerously easy to fall into debt. There are strategies to help you get back in control if you’ve found yourself falling behind or growing impatient with your debt payments.
Read More about Get a Fresh Start by Paying Down Debt
Dec 4, 2023
Financial resolutions don’t have to be complicated or elaborate. Sometimes the best money solutions are also the simplest. Here are ten great financial resolutions for any year.
Read More about 10 Money Smart Resolutions for any year
Nov 30, 2023
Giving happens for a variety of reasons, but for many, it’s done in pursuit of a better life. A better life for the person or group you are giving to and an improved feeling about yourself for knowing you have helped others.
Read More about Giving During the Holiday Season