Apr 5, 2022
If you ask ten different people what financial freedom means to them, you will likely get ten different answers. Some people view financial freedom as that mythical land where they no longer have to work. For others, being financially free means living below their means so they can put cash aside for a rainy day.
Read More about Creating a Personalized Path to Financial Success
Mar 16, 2022
An individual retirement arrangement (IRA) is a personal savings plan that offers specific tax benefits. IRAs are one of the most powerful retirement savings tools available to you. Even if you're contributing to a 401(k) or other plan at work, you might also consider investing in an IRA.
Read More about Understanding IRAs
Mar 1, 2022
Taxes are due for 2021 on Monday, April 18. Are you looking for ways to save on your tax-prep this year? The IRS Free File program, no-cost tax software, free clinics, asking for discounts, and DIYing it can save you money.
Read More about 5 Ways to Trim Your Tax-Prep Costs This Year
Feb 3, 2022
What would you do if you were trying to sell some furniture online and the "buyer" asked you to verify that you were a real person and not running a scam?  Would you message back? Would you give out your number? Learn more about how scammers are getting your phone number so they can scam others.
Read More about Scam Alert: ‘Prove to Me You Are a Human and Not a Bot’
Jan 3, 2022
When Sarah Pekkanen let her son sign up for a free trial of an online educational subscription, she figured she would cancel the subscription before charges began and in the meantime, her son, now 12, would learn math. But she forgot to cancel, and soon the charges started piling up.
Read More about Doing a Subscription Detox Could Plug Monthly Budget Leaks
Dec 28, 2021
A successful investor maximizes gain and minimizes loss. Though there can be no guarantee that any investment strategy will be successful and all investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal, here are six basic principles that may help you invest more successfully.
Read More about Six Keys to More Successful Investing
Dec 3, 2021
If you want to build momentum for your New Year’s money resolutions, set some financial improvements into motion before the end of the year. Here are six easy-to-implement steps to help boost your net worth going into the new year.
Read More about 6 Steps to Higher Net Worth: A Year-End Financial Checklist
Nov 5, 2021
Last year, the pandemic changed the way many people shopped. Adobe Analytics, which analyzes data from top retailers, said Black Friday online sales in 2020 soared 21.6% over the year before. And while quarantine restrictions have relaxed this year, shoppers will likely have to contend with supply chain shortages and shipping slowdowns.
Read More about Tips for Shopping Black Friday and Beating Pandemic Setbacks
Oct 4, 2021
The line between our online and offline lives is indistinguishable. In these tech-fueled times, the internet impacts our homes, societal well-being, economic prosperity, and our nation’s security. Every October, the National Cyber Security Alliance holds “Cybersecurity Awareness Month.”
Read More about Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021 – Do Your Part. Be #CyberSmart